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What The Magnate Wants

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781474093002

Полная версия

What The Magnate WantsThe Magnate’s Mail-Order BrideBallerina Sofia Koslov’s career is on the line when she’s mistaken for a ruthless playboy’s mail-order bride! But his levelheaded brother, Quinn McNeill, solves the media circus He’ll pretend to be her legitimate fiancé to protect her reputation….The Magnate’s Marriage MergerSecretive matchmaker to the rich and famous, Lydia Whitney prefers to stay behind the scenes. But after one mistake, rich resort developer Ian McNeill is hot on her trail, and he’s more attractive—and persistent—than ever before.His Accidental HeirWhen Cameron McNeill goes undercover to root out problems at his prized island resort, his first discovery is the irresistible concierge, Maresa Delphine. Her business smarts are vital to his mission. Could she also help him fulfill the marriage terms of his grandfather’s will?

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