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His Wicked Ways

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472028846

Полная версия

NYPD Police Report Re Messina Case1900 Hrs: Subject Alec Messina (going by the name of Al Perez–no priors under either) detained by Detective Vanessa Torres. Subject alleged to have embezzled funds. Charges possible pending investigation.2100 Hrs: Subject and officer en route to subject's place of residence to examine evidence when assailed by two men DUI. Shots fired; subject and officer sustain non-life-threatening injuries. All-points bulletin out on perps. Subject claims incident proof someone's out to silence him.2300 Hrs: Subject debriefed at length at his place of residence, during which time officer deems him to be impressively armed and very dangerous. Subject ready to deal. Will expose his highly secret activities…but only if Detective Torres agrees to extended undercover ops with him!

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