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Her Man Advantage

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408969236

Полная версия

Full-body contact never felt this good…By rights, they should have hated each other. Filmmaker Jennifer Hunter doesn’t want to make a hockey documentary any more than hockey defenceman Axel Rankin wants to star in one. But neither of them anticipated the molten rush of pure lust, and they can’t help but give in, on and off camera….The last thing Axel needs is a camera shoved in his face, probing into life and his rocky past. Especially if the woman calling the shots is a mouthy, assertive, drop-dead sexy redhead —who makes him want to do things that definitely require an adults-only rating! His favourite game just got a whole new set of rules….

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