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A Night of Wicked Delight

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408912461

Полная версия

Indulge in the passion of the past with these short, sexy and scandalous eBooks!Gareth of Domingart has abducted Lady Emma of Westleigh to get revenge on her cousin, the man who plundered his home and sold him into slavery.Gareth meant to simply hold Emma for ransom, yet once he brings the fiery noblewoman back to his keep, the urge to possess her becomes overwhelming. . . especially after Emma makes a startling demand: "You must steal my innocence. " For Lady Emma has a plan of her own: to lose her virginity and thwart her guardian's plot to marry her off to a brutish knight. And the scarred warrior holding her captive is just the man to save her. . .But once their revenge is complete, will Gareth and Emma be satisfied with only one night of pleasure. . . or can they have a future filled with wicked delight?

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