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Good To Be Bad

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781472028754

Полная версия

Karrie Albright has never been bad before…but that's not going to stop her now! Suddenly reunited with a college heartthrob means she's found her «man to do.» And the chance to turn the night that never was into the night that never ends.Rob Phillips hasn't been totally good up till now. And being with Karrie again has him thinking it's better to be bad. The sexy, green-eyed beauty always had brought out the best in him.But just as they're sealing the deal on their steamy, seductive fling, fate throws them a curve. Will Karrie and Rob's sexy fantasies have to be put on hold or will they dare to indulge….

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