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Teach Me / Getting Dirty

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:

Полная версия

Teach Me‘Ask me for what you want…’Socialite Erika Vanderberg has finally gained access to Berlin's most exclusive sex club. She’s here for one person: Dorian Alexande, who wants her complete, delicious surrender. But can a stubborn socialite submit to the one man she's always wanted…and risk unleashing her true self?Getting DirtyGetting deliciously dirty…Ash Livingston works for the good guys. His job was simple: get the dirt on Coco Lauren, a princess of a socialite who talks—and plays—dirty. But he kissed her. He tasted her. And she undid him in every way. Now he’s the bad guy. How does he tell Coco the truth…when it means losing her?

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