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eBoot Camp. Proven Internet Marketing Techniques to Grow Your Business

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9780470438190
Бесплатный фрагмент: pdf

Полная версия

In this Web 2.0 era, small business owners are at a severe disadvantage because they have minimal, if any, knowledge, about Internet marketing. They also lack the budget to hire a top-notch web marketer. As a result, the thrust of their Internet marketing program is usually a poorly performing website that attracts few visitors. e Boot Camp is the solution to the entrepreneur's Internet marketing problem. This do-it-yourself book provides the know-how that's needed to win business in cyberspace while eliminating the need for a large marketing budget. In just an hour or two a week, the small business owner will gain control of his or her Internet marketing campaign, using the step-by-step method Perlman presents. Specifically, readers will learn the keys to improving their search-engine ranking (the critical driver of traffic to a Website), how to create and manage blogs and e-newsletters and, finally, the secrets to a successful, sales-driven website.

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