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The Sauveterre Siblings

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781474071598

Полная версия

Carrying the Prince’s secret heir!For one night reclusive heiress Trella Sauveterre throws off the fear-ridden shackles of her childhood abduction. But after succumbing to a sizzling seduction she falls unexpectedly pregnant! Deeply uncomfortable in the spotlight, Trella can’t bear a high-profile pregnancy and keeps the identity of her baby’s father hidden…Then a tabloid photo of a scorching kiss implicates Crown Prince Xavier of Elazar in the scandal. He’ll do anything to claim his shock child—even kidnap Trella! Xavier must legitimise his son. And it’ll be his pleasure to make Trella his royal bride!

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