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Nothing Left to Give

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781472060198

Полная версия

A BLESSING IN DISGUISEPractice Nurse Beth Turner is desperate for a change of scenery, and a part-time post at Suffolk General will allow her just the breathing space she needs. Handsome widower Dr Gideon Pendragon even offers Beth a coach-house flat in his rambling grounds! However, it turns out to be something of a mixed blessing… Gideon’s three gorgeous children remind her of the one thing she’s never known—a family. But when Gideon asks for her help, how can Beth refuse? Even if helping brings her closer to the one man who surely has nothing left to give…and with whom she’s falling hopelessly in love!

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