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Navy SEAL Security

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408947326

Полная версия

Amy Prescott couldn't help but notice the sexy, wet-suited Navy SEAL who washed up on the beach. Nor could she overlook the burst of gunfire that followed his hasty introduction. Thankfully, Riley Hammond expertly shielded her from harm. Unfortunately, he landed her in the middle of his deadly covert op. Riley never expected the seemingly innocent beach girl to be connected to the bad guys he'd been sent to track down.But between the body splayed across her kitchen floor and the bullets narrowly missing them as they went on the run, Riley suspected there was more to the feisty bombshell than she let on. Not to mention a fiery passion he was happy to explore.

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