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Once and Again

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781472090027

Полная версия

UNDER THE MOONLIGHTYears ago, Jessica Harding gave herself to Nick Armstrong…and lost a piece of her heart in their passion. Now a successful attorney, Jessica returns to her hometown to help a friend in need. And despite her resolve, she loses herself all over again in Nick's intense blue gaze, and allows his hungry kisses to lead her back down memory lane–a journey she'd vowed never to make again.Weakened by her golden eyes, Nick Armstrong knows that Jessica is the woman he's been waiting for. And when her body trembles beneath his touch, old memories–and new hopes–are awakened. But when it's time to say goodbye, will Nick let his soul mate walk away…again?

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