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The Convenient Wife

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408982877

Полная версия

Mills & Boon presents the complete Betty Neels collection. Timeless tales of heart-warming romance by one of the world’s best-loved romance authors. “It seems to me that it would be to our mutual advantage if you were to become my wife…” Faced with no home and no family, Venetia was only too aware that Duert ter Laan-Luitinga’s solution to her problems was certainly practical – albeit rather unorthodox!Yet, he seemed set on the idea of a marriage of convenience and Venetia really had no choice but to agree. So, having found a sensible solution to her difficulties, surely she wouldn’t be so foolish as to fall in love with him – would she?

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