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Rancher's Twins: Mum Needed

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408902196

Полная версия

How will Holly uncover the brooding cattleman’s secret?Nanny Holly O’Mara has formed a close bond with her late cousin’s little twins. When their estranged father, rough, rugged Australian cattleman Gray Kidman, arrives to take his children to the Outback Holly senses that he is out of his depth! Holly is already in love with Gray’s adorable twins, and she’s soon falling for the mysterious man himself.Seeing him light up his children’s world makes her spirits leap and even begins to heal her own emotional bruises. She can tell Gray is far from indifferent to her, but something is making him push her away…

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