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Baby Out of the Blue

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
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He will do anything to keep her… and their baby!WHAT ABOUT THEIR BABY?Five years ago, Jane’s marriage to Demetri ended. Now Demetri needs an heir and demands a divorce. But they have one last night together… How can Jane tell her soon-to-be-ex-husband that she’s pregnant with his child?THE HOT-BLOODED ITALIANA lavish masquerade ball is no place for Carys Wells. Used to being unnoticed, Carys feels exposed by the searing gaze of a masked man. Little does she know he’s the man whose wicked touch is about to become her undoing…BOUGHT: MOTHER OF HIS CHILD!Billionaire Jake Marriot was always clear about his relationships – no marriage, no babies. So when Ashleigh found out she was pregnant, she ran!Now Jake no longer wants her just as his mistress… he’ll buy her as his wife!

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