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The Secret Lives of Doctors' Wives

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781408914168

Полная версия

He always got what he wanted Pierce Carver was one of Austin’s richest, most successful surgeons. And he was going to marry trauma nurse Rose Marie Castle and put her aching feet into glass slippers. Unfortunately, the doctor had a weakness for the allure of youth and feminine perfection. He jilted Rose Marie three years ago, and she’s still dreaming of revenge. Until someone wanted him deadAnd things are looking bad for Rose Marie. The night Pierce died she was inside his magnificent home, half naked and very willing to accept his apologies. Now she’s the prime suspect. Worse, her teenage sweetheart is the investigating detective.But if Rose Marie didn’t kill the not-so-good doctor, who did? Between his ex-wives, his angry step-children and the deep, dirty secrets driving their lives, somebody resorted to murder. And it looks as if Dr Carver kept the biggest, baddest secrets of all…

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