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Never Tell

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9780007488612

Полная версия

A nail biting thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat.When prep school junior Julia Whitmire is found dead in the bathtub of her family’s Upper East Side apartment, her left wrist slashed and suicide note resting on her dresser, Ellie Hatcher and her partner, J.J. Rogan initially write the case off as a suicide.Julia’s parents insist that their daughter would never take her own life, but Ellie knows all too well that family members can be the last to accept the truth.But when Julia’s mother appeals to her with the evidence – including a hand-written suicide note she believes her internet-obsessed daughter would never have composed – Hatcher is confronted with the possibility of a troubled young girl's murder.

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