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The Office Christmas Party: A fun, feel good Christmas cracker of a romance!

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9780008197254

Полная версия

Natalie Taylor and Dean Fletcher are serial Christmas party crashers. But when they start crashing the same parties…the mittens come off and the sparks fly!As much as she loves Christmas, after her mother’s death, events planner Nat can’t face the jolly season anymore. So to get her festive hit she crashes everyone else’s party. It’s a sweet gig, until she meets her competition, tech empire millionaire, Dean, under the mistletoe…!When it comes to relationships, Dean doesn’t do serious—being left at the altar will do that to a guy. So when he meets feisty Nat, the first woman in ten years to pique his interest, he’s tempted to break his one-night rule…just for the holidays!Nat and Dean might get more than they bargained for in their stockings this Christmas!

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